Caution Notice

It has come to our notice that certain individuals claiming to be representatives of Reliance Foundation are deceiving / misleading the public and collecting/ soliciting monies in the form of deposits or otherwise for purported scholarships and other benefits for educational activities by Reliance Foundation. We hereby notify the public that the said individuals are in no way connected to and do not represent Reliance Foundation or any of its associated entities.

Reliance Foundation never solicits money by way of deposits or otherwise for offer of scholarship or other benefits. Members of the public are hereby warned not to deal with such unscrupulous elements.

Reliance Foundation and its associated entities will not be responsible or liable in any manner whatsoever for any loss suffered as a result of dealing with or depositing money with any such persons. We request you to promptly notify the local law enforcement authorities and us in case any person seeks monies for purported offer of scholarships or benefits in the name of Reliance Foundation.