Page 50 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2021-22
P. 50


              relief efforts

              Cyclone Yaas                                        Cyclone Jawad

              May-June 2021                                       May-June 2021

              Cyclone Tauktae originated in the Arabian Sea and   In December 2021, Cyclone Jawad brought torrential
              Cyclone Yaas intensified on India’s east coast just   rains and strong gusts to Andhra Pradesh, Odisha
              as Tauktae peaked on the west coast. As it made     and West Bengal, causing further disruption. Reliance
              landfall, it battered the coastline with gusts and heavy   Foundation’s pre- and post-cyclone advisories
              rain, causing significant damage in West Bengal and   reached over 7.8 lakh people in the affected areas.
              Odisha. Reliance Foundation advisories helped over   Of these, over 6.6 lakh people received pre-cyclone
              6.9 lakh people in five states protect themselves from   advisories with information about the cyclone’s
              the cyclone. More than 5.9 lakh people received pre-  path, wave heights, safety measures and crop and
              cyclone notifications and alerts to secure their property   livestock protection. Subsequently, over 3.86 lakh
              and livestock, while 3.3 lakh people received post-  individuals received post-cyclone advisories with
              cyclone advisories on crop and fishpond management.  agricultural advice, rainfall warnings, tips for post-
                                                                  harvest management of rain-affected field crops
              As the cyclone approached, farmers received video   and guidance on the management of fishponds and
              advisories with guidance on how to secure their     livestock. Interactive sessions on pre- and post-cyclone
              harvested produce, delay intercultural operations and   protection measures for crops, fishponds and livestock
              shelter livestock. Reliance Foundation then deployed   reached another 4600+ people. Reliance Foundation
              its trained youth volunteers, who helped district   also arranged livestock treatment camps, treating 1,185
              authorities evacuate over 11,800 people from 50     animals for post-flood diseases and health ailments.
              villages to nearby cyclone shelters.
              During this period, Reliance Foundation organised
              as many as 45 multi-location audio conferences in
              Odisha and West Bengal, through which experts
              advised people on pre- and post-disaster agriculture
              management, livestock management and inland
              fishpond and feed management. With technical support
              from the Department of Animal Husbandry, these
              efforts safeguarded over 2,800 livestock animals from
              diseases, securing 365 livestock farmers from a loss
              of livelihood. Reliance Foundation also uploaded nine
              YouTube video modules on preventive measures for
              farmers, livestock-owners and fisherfolk, even as its
              toll-free helpline and interactive sessions resolved over
              2,300 queries during this distressing time.

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