Page 30 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2021-22
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Reliance Foundation Drishti
– providing the gift of vision
Raising awareness on Corneal transplants and vision care
key concerns Drishti seeks to restore vision of members of India's
most underprivileged communities in partnership
with the National Association for the Blind (NAB),
Reliance Foundation educated young women and girls Aravind Eye Care and Sankara Eye Foundation.
in Nagothane and Jamnagar about menstrual hygiene In 2021-22, Drishti reached the 20,000 corneal
on 28 May, World Menstrual Hygiene Day. It also transplant milestone. Also during this year, more than
conducted menstrual hygiene sessions for more than 2,500 vision related consultations were conducted
350 girls studying in schools in Kashmir and Viratnagar, in screening camps. In all, 1,67,237 vision screening
Rajasthan. In collaboration with Sewa International, consultations have been conducted since the inception
toilets, water connections and overhead tanks were of the programme and over 15,865 people have been
installed in two schools in Kangpokpi and Imphal provided spectacles free of cost.
in Manipur.
On 14 November, World Diabetes Day, it held
a screening camp in Jamnagar. It also conducted
awareness events about the importance of CPR while
observing World Heart Day on 29 September
in Nagothane.
Reliance Foundation continued advocating for nutrition
in underprivileged communities. In Shahdol, as part
of POSHAN Maah, it organised three awareness-cum-
health check-up camps for adolescent girls. Those
found to be anaemic were provided supplements. In
Jamnagar and Dwarka districts, HIV/AIDS-affected
children were given nutritional kits.
Promoting blood Raising awareness about eye donation
Reliance Foundation has been conducting the
donation drives Drishti Art Competition since 2004 and the Drishti
Essay Competition since 2008 for the children
and grandchildren of Reliance employees to raise
Reliance Foundation continued to work with blood awareness about eye donation.
banks and collected 77,500+ units of blood. This
has helped 2+ lakh people including thalassemia Bringing news and knowledge to individuals
patients, army personnel, jail inmates and BPL card with visual impairment
holders. It also conducted free health check-up camps In association with NAB, Reliance Foundation publishes
for thalassemia patients and awareness camps to India's only fortnightly international Braille newspaper
encourage voluntary donation. in Hindi. Drishti newspaper completed a decade of
publication this year, covering news and updates from
the world of sports, business, education, current affairs
and entertainment.
Before COVID-19, the paper had around 24,000
individuals with visual impairment readers across India
and 15 other countries. After briefly halting due to the
pandemic, the printing resumed and circulation as well as
readership crossed pre-pandemic levels by March 2022.
On World Braille Day (January 4), Reliance Foundation
published and distributed a Braille table calendar to the
readers. Drishti annual essay competition for individuals
with visual impairment readers was also held.
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