Page 28 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2021-22
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Deepak Lather
Sports Science and
Bringing the Medicine – powering
MitraClip procedure India’s athletes
to western India Since 2014, the 20-member Sports Science and
Medicine (SSM) team at RFH, in association with
Sir H N Reliance Foundation Hospital performed the Reliance Foundation Youth Sports (RFYS), has
first MitraClip procedures in Western India to fix the helped over 130 athletes realise their full potential.
mitral valves of two patients. The patients were able
to get discharged within 48 hours. The procedure Amoj Jacob ran a blistering anchor leg in the
was performed by cardiologists Dr Maulik Parekh, 4x400m men’s relay at the Tokyo Olympics. The
Dr Nihar Mehta, Dr AB Mehta and Dr R Handa, Indian quartet clocked 3:00:25 to set a new Asian
and anaesthesiologists Dr Harvesp Panthak and record, failing to make the final just by a whisker.
Dr Kritika Sharma. Jacob says, “Reliance Foundation has been
incredibly helpful, especially with rehab. There is a
MitraClip is a minimally-invasive procedure to huge difference compared to when I started. They
clip the valve’s two leaflets at the site of a leak. work on every weakness to help you get better”.
Leakages are caused by heart blockages, dilatation
of heart chambers or valve leaflet prolapse. The Commonwealth Games bronze medallist
procedure improves the quality of life by reducing weightlifter Deepak Lather attests to the value
reduces valve regurgitation, breathlessness and of counselling. He says, “When I was in rehab in
avoiding open-heart surgery. 2019, I was in touch with Maithili ma’am (Maithili
Bhuptani, Lead Sport and Exercise Psychologist at
Dr Tarang Gianchandani, CEO, RFH, said, “We are RFH). She told me what’s gone is done, you can do
always at the forefront of providing patients access nothing about it, but you can have a say in what’s
to world-class services, infrastructure and clinical going to come”. He adds that “initially, I did not
outcomes, and the pioneering MitraClip procedure grasp the importance of mental health and did not
was a prime example of our commitment to think too much about it, but gradually I realised how
our patients.” important it is.”
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