Page 91 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2022-23
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88      Disaster Management                                                                                                                                              Reliance Foundation | Annual Report 2022-23            89

        on field began from July 19, 2022 where the entire      floods that had happened in 1986. As per the                   This timely intervention helped in increase milk        sheet and mosquito net, to over 500 households.
        initiative of 12 livestock camps, 11 health camps and   preliminary estimation, over 1.8 lakh population in            production. I appreciate and value the dedication       In the villages of Yavatmal district, majority of the
        distribution of 7,500 ration kits was complete in 13    more than 500 villages (mostly the island villages)            shown by the Reliance Foundation volunteers during      households lost their food and stored grains.

        days. The operation was supported by 15 partners        were impacted and close to 6,000 HA (Hectare)of                this time of distress.”                                 The families received assistance from the government
        including government institutions and grass roots       horticultural, and about 3,200 HA of agricultural              Maharashtra Floods                                      in the form of temporary housing, and Reliance
        NGOs, and ten team members of Reliance Foundation.      crops were said to be damaged.                                                                                         Foundation provided dry ration and hygiene kits to
                                                                                                                               Due to incessant rainfall, several states have been     over 3,500 families.
        Case Study: Harshaben, ASHA Facilitator,                The team members of Reliance Foundation                        going through floods or flood like situation.
        Navsari district, Gujarat                               coordinated with the district administration,                  Maharashtra being no exception also experienced         Case Study: Ms. Diksha Pravin Moon, Sarpanch,

                                                                and supported the affected villages with livestock             heavy to very heavy downpour on numerous occasions      Dhanora Village, Gadchiroli, Maharashtra
                                                                treatment, health camps and preventive healthcare,             during the monsoon and post-monsoon period in
                                                                by distributing Ayush medicines. Affected families             2022. Since the beginning of July that year, 104 deaths
                                                                were provided kitchen utensils with the support of             and 68 injuries have been attributed to flooding in the
                                                                networked NGO. For stress relief from the flood, and           state. The eastern part of Vidarbha has been prone to

                                                                to maintain milk production, animals were provided             flooding since a long time. On 19  and 20  July 2022,
                                                                mineral mixtures and calcium solutions. Over 10,700            the area experienced significant rainfall, exceeding the
                                                                livestock received treatment through camps set up in           season’s normal by more than 600%. Gadchiroli and
                                                                vulnerable villages. Furthermore, medicine was                 Yavatmal, the two most hit districts

                                                                distributed to 34,000 people and over 3,000 families           by the heavy flooding, received relief from
                                                                received utensil kits.                                         Reliance Foundation.
        “We have never seen such a havoc situation in our                                                                      In Gadchiroli district, the extreme flooding situation

        region earlier. It was bad and there was water in every   Case Study: Dr. Jaipaul Adithela, District Animal            resulted in a Malaria outbreak, with a rapid increase in   “After the flood receded, we observed some major
                                                                Husbandry Officer
        household of the village. The health check-up camp                                                                     the Malaria cases. To support the communities which     health issues in livestock like diarrhoea, mastitis
        organised by Reliance Foundation was much needed.                                                                      are predominantly tribal, Reliance Foundation           and other skin infections. We are very thankful to
        As soon as I was got to know about the health camp,                                                                    disseminated advisories to control the spread of        Reliance Foundation for their timely support in

        I informed all the women in the village to get                                                                         Malaria in the affected villages, and also extended the   organising medical camps and free medicines
        themselves checked and take benefit of the free camp”                                                                  support by providing shelter kits containing tarpaulin   distribution for the livestock.”
        said Harshaben, while describing the critical flood

        situation. She supported Reliance Foundation along
        with the District Health Department in mobilising
        women in the flood affected villages of Navsari. She
        coordinated a total of nine villages where most of the

        villages were highly affected in the critical flood
        situation in the district.                              “During the Godavari flood, it was very tough for the

                                                                department to support livestock farmers. Animals were
        Andhra Pradesh Floods
                                                                battling excess floodwater and stressed out. This
        The low-lying villages of Konaseema and adjacent        adversely affected the milk production making it
        districts were in a serious crisis as a result of the two   important for us to provide supplementary feed.
        floods that occurred in the Godavari delta region in    Reliance Foundation supported us in providing Total

        the month of July within a span of 15 days. That period   Mixed Ration (TMR) and calcium supplements to
        of flooding was comparable to the Godavari River        livestock farmers, especially to remote island villages.
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