Page 86 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2022-23
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84      Disaster Management                                                                                                                                              Reliance Foundation | Annual Report 2022-23            85




        Approach to Disaster                                    The programme contributes to the United Nations                agencies, civil society organisations, academic

        Management                                              Sustainable Development Goals, Sendai Framework for            institutions and international agencies including                To watch the video, please scan
                                                                Disaster Risk Reduction and Prime Minister's 10-Point          multilateral organisations. At the event, Reliance

                                                                Agenda for Disaster Risk Reduction. In particular, the         Foundation also showcased a publication called          Harnessing technology for enhanced
        Reliance Foundation provides immediate assistance                                                                      “Disaster Management Approaches Towards Resilient       disaster response
        while also focusing on building long term resilience.   programme aims to impact on the indicators such as

        It works towards identifying and promoting innovative   reducing hunger, reducing mortality, improving health          Communities: Learnings from Reliance Foundation’s       In order to effectively address pre-during-post disaster
                                                                                                                               Experiences” to share learnings from its decade-long
        practices in disaster risk reduction, mitigation and    and wellbeing, reducing number of affected people,             work and experience in the disaster management          management and response, Reliance Foundation has
        response. The disaster response initiatives are         reducing economic impact, reducing damages to                  space, which includes supporting vulnerable             extensively used ICT platforms, Geographic
        structured around three core functions –                critical infrastructure, climate-change adaptation                                                                     Information System (GIS) and datafication
                                                                among communities, collaborations and partnerships,            communities through technology                          technologies. Using the GIS platform, disaster hazard
        i.   Pre-disaster work focusing on lives and                                                                           and data-driven early warning advisories.
             livelihoods of the communities, protecting assets,   capacity building, leveraging technology and                 The discussion was structured in two parts,             map is developed with the help of spatial and
             disseminating early warnings, and assisting in     contributing to disaster risk reduction strategies and                                                                 non-spatial data integrating the historical disaster
             community and livestock evacuations.               improving access to multi-hazard and early warning             (i)   Understanding livelihood vulnerabilities due to   events, and prioritized the vulnerable areas that are at
                                                                disaster risk information.                                          disasters and the impact of climate change.        extreme risk. Also, information gathered at the village
        ii.  During-disaster interventions supporting rescue
             operations and connecting relief locations.        Sharing knowledge to build a stronger                          (ii)  Foster cross learnings and discussions around     level on the crucial infrastructure that can be made

        iii. Post-disaster support to help bring normalcy to    disaster management ecosystem                                       strategies for building resilient communities      available as safe shelters would help the local
             the lives of those affected.                                                                                           and livelihoods.                                   administration in preparing for emergency operations.
                                                                In an effort to share learnings through the years,             The roundtable provided cross-learning from             Through this, the local administration is assisted in
        The three-pronged approach adopted by Reliance          Reliance Foundation, in association with the United            organisations working in the Disaster Management        better planning, including the evaluation of the
        Foundation to support disaster-affected communities     Nations in India, organised a Roundtable discussion on         space and stressed the need for partnership and         provision for compensation, by primary data at the
        has effectively covered 22 States and 03 Union          ‘Building Resilient Livelihoods in the face of Changing        collaboration, while also emphasising the               household level. The datafication technique helps in

        Territories, across 293 districts.
                                                                Climate and Disasters’ in Mumbai. The multi-stakeholder        breaking-down of silos between functioning of the       bringing together various elements that are essential
        So far, the Foundation has responded to more than       event saw participation from various eminent speakers          private sector and public, CSOs and international       for comprehensive planning of disaster response and
        52 disasters including cyclones and floods.             and experts from across the private sector, government         agencies in the area of building resilience.            recovery support.
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