Page 89 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2022-23
P. 89

86      Disaster Management                                                                                                                                              Reliance Foundation | Annual Report 2022-23            87




        Supporting                                              highly affected districts that experience flood every          “Relief work was carried out by Reliance Foundation     “Villages were badly affected due to the excessive

        flood-affected                                          year, and were severely affected during the first spell        with compassion and has helped the affected families    rainfall and floods in Assam during May-June 2022.
        communities                                             of rainfall in the state. The relief supported was             to get back to normalcy. Throughout the relief          It was humbling for me to work along with Reliance
                                                                extended to villages bordering the neighboring                 support, the beneficiary selection and distribution     Foundation for the flood affected people in Cachar
                                                                country. Reliance Foundation was appreciated for               process has been transparent. Since the villages are    district. I learned and actively participated in the
        Assam Floods                                            being the first organization in Assam to provide               bordering with a neighbouring country, the Reliance     beneficiary identification process in the affected

        A state prone to flooding and erosion, Assam has been   treatment to flood affected livestock.                         Foundation team took support of Border Security         villages and households and accordingly distributed
        inundated with flooding and the resulting landslides    •    15,000+ livestock treated benefitting 2,200+              Force for a peaceful distribution. On the behalf of     relief. Along with relief distribution, livestock
        from the onset of the monsoon in May 2022. Most of           livestock farmers                                         the community members, I sincerely thank Reliance       treatment camp targeted the livestock owners and
        the rivers were flowing above the high flood level.     •    Nearly 2,000 individuals screened & treated               Foundation and their volunteers for tirelessly working   helped them revive the health of their affected
                                                                                                                                                                                       animals.  It was an honor for me to be a part of such
        With relentless rains in the State, an interim estimate                                                                to restore the lives of the people of Mahadevpur        well-planned response in Assam”
        declared that approximately 2.2 million people in       •    Relief Kits provided to 7,000 families                    Gram Panchayat.”
        2,542 villages of 28 districts were affected.           Case Study: Rajib Chanda, President of                         Case Study:  Manar Shylla, Volunteer, Seva Kendra,      Gujarat Floods

        Reliance Foundation acted timely to the flood           Mahadevpur Gaon Panchyat, Cachar district, Assam               Cachar district, Assam                                  In the year 2022, Gujarat received 51% of its season’s
        situation by reaching out to several internal and                                                                                                                              rainfall in two weeks. With Navsari and Valsad being
        external stakeholders of the affected areas to                                                                                                                                 the two highly affected districts, Reliance Foundation
        understand the ground situation and provide                                                                                                                                    initiated its response operations to protect the lives
        need-based support to the affected communities.                                                                                                                                and livelihoods of the communities. The districts
        On May 20, 2022, the Reliance Foundation team
        engaged in discussions with Business Teams of                                                                                                                                  encountered heavy rainfall of up to 550m in a single
        Reliance Industries, Assam State Disaster                                                                                                                                      day coupled with drainage blockage due to high tide in

        Management Authority, Inter Agency Group, and                                                                                                                                  estuaries. Reliance Foundation disseminated
        Non-Government Organisations. As an outcome of                                                                                                                                 forewarning on heavy rainfall along with advisories to
        this, the Foundation prioritized two districts, namely                                                                                                                         protect lives and livelihood of up to 82,000 individuals
        Cachar and Nagaon, which are amongst the five most                                                                                                                             from 13 districts of Gujarat. The relief operation
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