Page 96 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2022-23
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94      Sports for Development                                                                                                                                           Reliance Foundation | Annual Report 2022-23            95





        Key milestones 22-23                                    The Sports for Development                                     with on-ground talent along with AiSCOUT, an AI         Shining the spotlight
                                                                programme supports three key areas:                            system, which was useful to gauge the ability and skills   Ayush Chhikara

        •    Grassroots endeavour - School/College              Developing Football                                            of players. To promote football in one of India’s cultural   Chhikara intially secured a contract with Mumbai
             tournaments: The 2022-2023 year saw the                                                                           hotbeds, Mizoram, the RF Young Champs Naupang           City FC after graduating from the Reliance Foundation

             much-awaited return of the RF Youth Sports         Through the Sports for Development initiative, one of          League has been launched as part of Reliance’s          Young Champs in 2020. However, the striker faced
                                                                                                                                                                                       adversity as he was kept away from football because
             football tournament, after a two-year-long hiatus   the goals is to develop football while creating a pipeline    regional interventions. This aims to enable boys and    of COVID-19 and an ACL injury. The 20-year-old

             caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.                   of talent available to play for the Indian national            girls between ages 5 and 13 to play competitive football   bounced back after making a full recovery to sign a
                                                                football team, as well as professional clubs.
        •    The RF Young Champs initiative resumed the                                                                        and increase their playing time.                        lucrative contract extension with the club. Chhikara
                                                                Reliance Foundation Youth Sports (RFYS): Football                                                                      also made his first team debut in the ISL, in front of
             intake of young footballers, alongside launching                                                                  The Reliance Foundation Development League
                                                                tournaments also saw a much-awaited return,                                                                            RFYC players and coaches who were in the stands
             its first satellite project in the state of Mizoram                                                               (RFDL): Reliance Foundation also kick-started the RF
                                                                providing a return to high-quality competitions for                                                                    sharing the proud moment.
             through the Naupang League. Six graduates were
                                                                schools and colleges. While ensuring competitive game          Development League. The inaugural competition took      Ngurhlunchhungi
             offered professional contracts by the ISL clubs
                                                                time to young talent was the top priority through the          place in Goa during April-May, 2022 had 7 ISL teams     Ngurhlunchhungi is a young girl playing in the
             with one graduate signing for an I League Club.
                                                                Elite leagues, scouting partnerships with ISL / I-League       and an RFYC team, competing, where Bengaluru FC         U-11 category for Chawmpui Veng. Her father,

        •    Making India football ready: Reliance              clubs and state associations and coach development             were crowned Champions with Kerala Blasters being       Lalhrechianga, said “My daughter has been playing
             Foundation also kick-started the RF                were given equal importance to look after the overall          the runners-up. Both the teams then travelled to the    since was a little girl, and I am very happy to see her

             Development League, that aims to give more         growth of players and the ecosystem.                           United Kingdom to feature in the Next Generation        play in the Naupang League. I am very glad that the
                                                                                                                                                                                       Reliance Foundation Young Champs Naupang League
             game time to young emerging talent as a            Reliance Foundation Young Champs (RFYC): With                  Cup taking on reserve teams of Premier League Clubs.    is happening and for us, who have grown up in a

             competitive elite youth tournament for             a strong focus on training, the Reliance Foundation                                                                    village, opportunities like these help a lot. My daughter
             professional Indian football clubs.                Young Champs initiative is aimed at providing holistic         The second edition of the RF Development League         wants to play as much as possible, and whether she
                                                                development of youngsters through education and                that started in February 2023, featured 55+ Clubs       plays against boys or girls it doesn’t matter. As long as

                                                                sports. The scouting operations came back to full scale        across 9 Regions in the country.                        she is competing, we are glad”.
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