Page 92 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2022-23
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90      Disaster Management                                                                                                                                              Reliance Foundation | Annual Report 2022-23            91

                                                                During the entire spell of cyclone, Reliance                   Building first responders                               Through all these various initiatives ranging from

                                                                Foundation extended its toll-free helpline on a                in the community                                        building response-ready communities to preventing,
                                                                war-foot basis, through which more than 900 queries                                                                    supporting during disasters and rebuilding lives,
                                                                                                                                                                                       Reliance Foundation has taken every effort in its power
                                                                were resolved.                                                 Building community readiness is key to effective
                                                                                                                               disaster management and response. As part of            to stand by people through the nation's natural disasters.
                                                                Reliance Foundation also supported communities
                                                                                                                               ensuring rapid response, Reliance Foundation has                 To watch the video, please scan
                                                                impacted by Cyclone Mandous and Cyclone
                                                                                                                               conducted capacity building programmes across
                                                                Sitrang in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Odisha,
                                                                                                                               community groups and training community partners
                                                                West Bengal and Assam. Advisories for 4.45 times               to help manage disasters effectively. During disasters,
                                                                were disseminated with early warning advisories                the local communities are first to respond to an event

                                                                and helplines.                                                 before any intervention by specialised teams.
                                                                                                                               Hence, building up capacities of volunteers from
                                                                Case Study: K. Adinarayana, Mulapeta village of
                                                                                                                               vulnerable communities is the most effective form
                                                                Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh
                                                                                                                               of managing disasters.

                                                                “I am a regular follower of Reliance Foundation                Reliance Foundation aims at empowering and
                                                                advisories since four years and have also participated         educating volunteers to manage risks and challenges.
                                                                in various interactive programmes organised by                 As part of the capacity building, identified community

                                                                Reliance Foundation. Its toll-free helpline no. has            volunteers are also receiving basic disaster
                                                                been very helpful as we receive the required advisories        management training and mock drills. The volunteer
                                                                in time. In the Rabi season of 2022, I had cultivated          groups comprise of youth from vulnerable areas,
                                                                                                                               members and volunteers of grassroots-level NGOs,
                                                                Sesame in 0.3 acre of my farm. In May 2022, we
                                                                                                                               and students from colleges who are part of the
                                                                received alerts and precautionary measures from
                                                                                                                               National Service Scheme (NSS), National Cadet
                                                                Reliance Foundation and hence harvested the crop
                                                                                                                               Corps (NCC) and Youth Red Cross groups. 365 youth
                                                                and covered the harvested crop with tarpaulin covers           volunteers were trained in 2022-23. (around 1,900+
        Helping communities                                     and coconut leaves. two days before Asani Cyclone hit          youth volunteers have been trained so far).
        impacted by cyclones                                    our region. Had I not received the cyclone alert in

                                                                time, I would have lost my crop and my livelihood
        In May 2022, Cyclone Asani, a strong tropical cyclone   would have been affected.”
        of Bay of Bengal created landfall in Andhra Pradesh.

        It also had an impact on a number of coastal districts
        in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and West

        Bengal. Understanding the need to protect the
        agricultural livelihood, Reliance Foundation

        responded by disseminating cyclone preparedness and
        livelihood restoration. Over 5.6 lakh times advisories
        were disseminated in the vulnerable villages, across 34

        districts. Following the cyclone, the communities
        received assistance with crop restoration measures to

        reduce the risk of pest infestation-related losses.
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