Page 83 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2022-23
P. 83
80 Women Empowerment Reliance Foundation | Annual Report 2022-23 81
Creating waves
of change
Women Empowerment Swashray Tapasthal was launched on the International
Initiatives at other Women’s Day.
locations In Jhajjar, 180 women have been empowered for a
bright future through various skill development
programmes undertaken by Reliance Foundation.
In Jamnagar, the programme has been supporting
These programmes include a three-month exclusive
Swashray, an initiative to financially empower rural
training in tailoring and beautician courses.
women and enable them to take up livelihood
Reliance Foundation undertook various activities
activities. Women are assisted in selling their products
in Nagothane for women including facilitating income
at shops, exhibitions, vending machines, and open
generation activity of Self-Help Groups, providing
markets. During the year, women’s groups were nutrition counselling and child care sessions for
encouraged to launch various brands. They were 1,779 women from 14 villages participated in the Haldi
supported in starting a live food counter. A new center, Kum Kum programmes in their respective villages.