Page 40 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2021-22
P. 40
Pillars of Reliance
sporting ecosystem
Reliance Foundation’s interventions focus on the holistic
well-being of athletes, aiming to build youth character and leadership.
The Sports for Development programme has touched the lives of 2.15
crore (21.5 million) young Indians over the past decade. To identify
tomorrow’s sporting stars and hone their talent, Reliance Foundation
scouts talents from across the country and has created world-
class sporting infrastructure to give these athletes the resources to
succeed. The training programmes help maximise their potential while
nationwide competition structures provide a route to the highest level
of competition. This is bolstered by dedicated initiatives featuring
intensive support to elite athletes to put India on the podium.
Reliance Reliance
Foundation Foundation
Youth Sports Junior NBA
RFYS creates a sports ecosystem Reliance Foundation Jr. NBA promotes
in schools and colleges. It arranges basketball in schools through training programmes
competitions at all levels, provides and interactions with NBA, WNBA and NBA G League
scholarships to athletes, provides grants stars. It develops talent through school coaching
for sporting infrastructure, provides programmes and global coaching clinics. It also trains
equipment and trains coaches. school PE instructors.
Reliance Elite athelete
Foundation programmes
Young Champs Since 2019, Reliance Foundation
has been working to improve India’s
RFYC is a football academy with performance at the Olympics and other global events
a scholarship-based residency programme. It by collaborating with coaches, government bodies and
was launched in 2015 and is now recognised by sports federations. Reliance Foundation also leverages
the All India Football Federation as India’s Best sports science and sports medicine to nurture athletes
Residential Football Academy. and improve performance. At the Reliance Foundation-
Odisha Athletics High Performance Centre (HPC), elite
athletes train with world-class facilities, coaches and
support systems.
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