Page 37 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2021-22
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Reliance Educational initiatives
Foundation Schools at plant locations
The 13 Reliance Foundation Schools teach over Reliance Foundation continues to strive to improve
14,000 children in Jamnagar, Surat, Vadodara, Dahej, educational opportunities for young people living in
Koparkhairane, Lodhivali, Nagothane and Mouda. The communities around RIL plants.
schools are affiliated with the CBSE and the Gujarat
and Maharashtra State Boards, and provide Reliance Foundation has built a new primary school in
K-12 education. Lalwadi, under the Jamnagar Municipal Corporation.
Reliance Foundation also helped the local Meghpar
Delivering exceptional results Government Primary School construct a new building to
In 2021, 44% of students from these schools received replace its outdated facilities. In Haryana, it provided a
90% or higher in the CBSE Class 10 Board exams, and new 10kW solar plant to power the computer lab at the
41% received 90% or higher in the CBSE Class 12 Board Government School Ismailpur in Jhajjar.
exams. 746 teachers and 124 administrative workers
completed 20,500 online courses and attended 28,717 During the COVID-19 pandemic Reliance Foundation
webinars in academics and administration to enhance worked to mitigate the disruption to the education
their skills. of children from low-income families. For instance, in
Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh, children who lacked access
From online instruction to hybrid to the internet were given remedial classes.
As the schools have gradually reopened for physical In Jamnagar, students who had dropped out of school
instruction in recent months after the pandemic, they were successfully guided through the NIOS Senior
are now working on a model of hybrid education Secondary Examinations with the help of volunteer
that prioritises the safety of students and staff, while tutors who dedicated several hours each day to the
providing more opportunities for children to play and cause. Additionally, Reliance also distributed nearly
improve their physical and mental wellness. 21,000 education materials to students across
plant locations
Winning new accolades
Reliance Foundation Schools have brought home Reliance Foundation arranges knowledge sessions with
7 international awards, 27 national awards and 125 industry experts and coaching for standardised tests.
awards at the zonal, state and district level this year. For instance, the Lakshya initiative provides academic
Some notable young achievers include five-year-old mentoring and physical training for young people in
Evelyn Iris, who set a new national record by identifying Nagothane, Maharashtra, helping them apply to public
26 pictures of inventors, and Lavanya Maske, who won sector jobs in the military, railways, banking sector
Gold at the national-level Thai Boxing Competition. and police. In Shahdol, 100 students have recently
benefited from in-person and online tutoring.
The schools themselves have also won awards.
Reliance Foundation School Koparkhairane was Reliance Foundation Teacher
named top ten schools by volume of entries in the
All India School Contest run by the Indian Centre Awards (RFTA)
for Plastics in the Environment. Dr Kishor Nikhare of
Reliance Foundation School Mouda won the National
Best Teacher Award at the 15th National Mathematics The Reliance Foundation Teacher Awards (RFTA) were
Convention held by the All India Ramanujan Maths set up to encourage and reward excellence in teaching.
Club (AIRMC) VIPNET, an autonomous organisation The awards are given to the top 1,000 teachers from the
of the Department of Science and Technology of the Teaching Professionals Olympiad (TPO), organised by
Government of India. the Centre for Teacher Accreditation (CENTA). Reliance
Foundation also provides a cash prize of Rs 1 lakh to the
top three national rank holders. Over 5,300 educators
participated in TPO 2021, and Reliance Foundation’s
backing of CENTA TPO over its last four editions has
touched the lives of 38,300 teachers.
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