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78 Women Empowerment Reliance Foundation | Annual Report 2022-23 79
The #HasMyBack initiative Carbon neutral cover shoot
A social experiment by Her Circle, Her Circle’s June 2022 Sustainability Special
#HasMyBack shed light on gender conditioning, cover shoot for World Environment Day went
the perception of gender and stereotypes, minimal for maximum impact, featuring India’s
followed by īan online campaign encouraging first carbon-neutral cover shoot model. To offset
women to share their stories of support. the minimal carbon footprint, Her Circle also
planted 100 trees.
2. Empowering women for
asustainable future 3. Breaking bias in Science and
Her Circle has embarked on a mission to shed The STEM initiative
light on the water crisis in India and its Her Circle celebrates women in STEM (Science,
disproportionate impact on women. Through Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics),
this first social insights series, the powerful story sharing inspiring stories of female innovators on
of the women of a village in Denganmal, International Day of Women & Girls in Science
Maharashtra, was brought to life by the eloquent who are breaking barriers and paving the way for
narration of veteran theatre and film personality, future generations of women in STEM.
Sonali Kulkarni.
Creating #periodallies
Through this initiative, Her Circle also started a
conversation around how men perceive
menstruation through various content pieces to fitness trainer and author, Deanne Panday, dog Help & Support
create #periodallies and break taboos. trainer Mitali Salvi, among other professionals Her Circle users have access to experts from
Creating space for dialogue mentored our users. Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital who
through Art & Lifestyle Supporting women leaders provide guidance and advice on a host of topics
such as health and nutrition, counselling,
Her Circle Hive through entrepreneurship finance, dermatology, neonatology and pediatrics,
Her Circle launched Hive, offering women gynaecology, rehabilitation and sports medicine
30 Days 30 Entrepreneurs
opportunities to learn, interact, and get
Her Circle celebrated the financial successes of Job opportunities
mentored by experts. Plus, digital and in-person
India’s women entrepreneurs in this special Her Circle has job listings across different
masterclasses on wellness, finance, and more.
series. 30 women entrepreneurs narrated their specialisations in different organisations listed.
The masterclasses feature experts in dog The objective is to provide users with access to
stories of strength and empowerment across 30
training, photography, and more, plus mentors opportunities that suit their profile and
days to inspire and guide upcoming women
like Vikram Bawa and Deanne Panday. Topics requirements. These job listings are promoted
include wellness, finance, and parenting. on social media for better reach.
Her Circle Masterclasses With 38 dynamic communities across varied Goal Tracking
Her Circle's masterclasses feature experts in interest areas on the platform, Her Circle users Her Circle users can keep a track of their
diverse fields, with digital and in-person options have supported each other in navigating several personal goals on the platform. Thousands of
for wellness, finance, parenting, and more. challenges with the right tools of transformation users are able to track their health and financial
Celebrity photographer Vikram Bawa, celebrity and information. goals through these special trackers.