Page 22 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2021-22
P. 22
Strengthening rural
Reliance Foundation helps rural institutions build local governance, improve convergence and mobilise
capacity and develop linkages to government bodies. resources to drive economic development and
Reliance Foundation is working with 965 Gram social justice.
Panchayats (GPs) across 11 states for institutional
strengthening, in cooperation with Block and
District Panchayats. It supports inclusive participatory Connecting
development planning of Gram Panchayat
Development Plans (GPDPs), ensuring ownership and
effective implementation of plans made by Gram people to
Sabha members.
This year, Reliance Foundation-mentored Gram essential benefits
Sabhas and GPs, through collective action, undertook
a range of initiatives to create public amenities,
conserve water, enhance livelihoods and empower Through rural institutions, Reliance Foundation has
women. Reliance Foundation was able to further helped people gain access to social security schemes,
these goals by harnessing provisions under the 15th including Widow Pension, Old-age Pension, Job Cards,
Finance Commission and schemes like MGNREGA. It Soil Health Cards and Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima
was ultimately able to leverage Rs. 76+ crore through (e-Shram). It has helped GPs align their efforts with
convergence with government departments and state-specific initiatives such as Seva Setu Abhiyan
development agencies. in Gujarat, Aapke Adhikar Aapki Sarkar Aapke Dwar
Abhiyan in Jharkhand and Prashashan Gaon Ke Sang
Reliance Foundation capacity-building initiatives Abhiyan in Rajasthan. This has helped it widen access
have helped train 5,810 elected representatives and to benefits while ensuring effective implementation of
5,394 village volunteers. This has helped strengthen schemes on the ground.
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