Page 27 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2022-23
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24      Rural Transformation                                                                                                                                             Reliance Foundation | Annual Report 2022-23            25

        Strengthening livestock rearing                         Reliance Foundation disseminates Ocean State

                                                                Forecast (OSF) and Potential Fishing Zone (PFZ)
        Reliance Foundation adopted a unique way of creating
                                                                advisories provided by the Indian National Centre on
        awareness amongst the farmers of Udaipur district.
                                                                Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) in an
        The Knowledge on Wheels (KoW) programme,
                                                                accessible format in 10 different languages, through
        along with live demonstration was planned with the
                                                                Machli app, WhatsApp, text and voice SMS and
        help of Department of Animal Husbandry, Rajasthan.
                                                                through a toll-free number. Reliance Foundation is
        A vehicle-mounted banner outlining ethno veterinary
                                                                collaborating with the Network for Fish Quality
        practices provides information about ways to increase
        the immunity of the animals and safeguard their         Management and Sustainable Fishing (NETFISH),
        animals from the diseases. The banner also included     the state fisheries departments, the Central Institute

        measures to protect the animals before, during and      of Fisheries Technology (CIFT), and the State
        after the symptoms of diseases are visible. Eleven such   Institute of Fisheries Technology to assist fishers in       Impact of the Programme                                 •    Sustained income enhancement of 7,000+
        KoWs were deployed, that covered 540 farmers of 23      adopting sustainable practices. Reliance Foundation            An internal mid-year evaluation of the programme             households while also contributing to reduced
        villages in the Udaipur district. The live demonstration   also promotes sustainable fishing by training fisher        revealed the following among farmers and fishing             cost of cultivation of all the targeted households.
        of ethno veterinary practices proved to be a very       community on mesh-size control and minimum legal               communities who are involved with the programme:        •    Nearly 1,500 farmers adopting advance SRI

        useful tool for the tribal community of Udaipur, which   net size to help helps reduce unwanted catch of                                                                            methods for paddy plantation in 1461 acres of
        is actively involved in cow rearing, but finds it difficult   juvenile fish, smaller species and alerts fishers about   •   78% of farmers adopted the crop management              farm area in around 80 villages in Shahdol and
        to find affordable ways to protect their cattle. Post   the annual trawling ban.                                            advisories and benefitted economically                  Kotma districts. Over 150 farmers adopted
        intervention, a sample study was conducted which        With these tools and diverse partnerships, Reliance            •    87% of farmers have taken some action                   improved System of Pulse Intensification (SPI)

        showed that 98% of livestock farmers were able to       Foundation contributes to sustainable fishing practices             and used weather-based agro advisories in               technique for sowing pulses in 72.25 acres area.
        control the spread of lumpy skin disease to other       to advance India’s commitment to Sustainable                        farming and livestock management; and have         •    Enhancing income through agroforestry and
        animals in Udaipur district of Rajasthan.               Development Goal 14 of conserving and sustainably                   positively benefitted.                                  improving green cover, 24,107 saplings were

        “We could not do agricultural work this year as both of   using marine resources.                                                                                                   planted on private and common lands
                                                                                                                               •    92% farmers adopted the information services
        our bulls suffered from the lumpy skin disease, and in                                                                                                                              benefitting over 1,000 community members.
                                                                                                                                    provided through the toll-free helpline number.
        spite of repeated attempts, no treatment was working                                                                                                                           •    Progressive farmers established 68 orchards as
        on them. In such challenging times, the knowledge on                                                                   •    97% of fisher folks adopted marine fisheries            models for long term income sustainability.
        wheel (KoW) awareness and demonstration camp of                                                                             advisories and around 73% of fisher folks avoided   •   Establishment of Over 5,000 Nutrition Gardens
        Reliance Foundation came as a blessing to us. We used                                                                       no catch trips, thus saving operational costs
                                                                                                                                                                                            (RNGs) towards improving availability of fresh
        the remedies suggested for 10 days, and as a result our
                                                                                                                               The various initiatives to support rural communities         vegetables for marginal households.
        animals became completely healthy. We will continue
                                                                                                                               for improved on and off-farm livelihoods and capacity   •    To ensure availability of farm yard manure,
        to treat our animals with these traditional home
                                                                                                                               building was carried out across multiple locations           3,400+ bio compost units established in  project
        remedies moving forward,” said Kanki Bai of Jogiyon
                                                                                                                               through the country.                                         villages of Shahdol and Kotma, this activity will
        Ka Gura village in Gogunda block.
                                                                                                                               In Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh this year, through various        support farmers in reducing their input cost and
        Supporting marine fishing                                                                                              initiatives, 12,000+ households depending upon               boost soil health towards enhancing productivity.

        communities                                                                                                            farming as a source of livelihood were provided with    Additionally, Reliance Foundation also worked in

        Reliance Foundation Information Services (RFIS)                                                                        support including input provision, improved farming     close coordination with Krishi Vigyan Kendra and
        programme has been working with marine fishing                                                                         technology transfer, augmenting farm income with        Department of Agriculture to establish proof of

        communities to enhance the lives and livelihoods of                                                                    alternative income sources, etc. These efforts by       concepts through demo farms with quality inputs and
        more than 2 lakh fishermen across eight states.                                                                        Reliance Foundation have resulted in:                   other support in over 500 acres farm area.
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