Page 22 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2022-23
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20 Rural Transformation Reliance Foundation | Annual Report 2022-23 21
communities with
Reliance Foundation an effort to democratise access to information, Empowering farmers and fisher India’s expansive coastline with information support
Information Services disseminates it in 10 Indian languages. folk with technology-based from Indian National Centre for Ocean Information
knowledge solutions Services (INCOIS) and India Meteorological
The key areas of intervention are:
Department. The Machli app, developed by the RFIS
The Reliance Foundation Information Services (RFIS) The RFIS programme helped farmers enhance crop
• Improving yield and income while reducing programme, provides real time weather and
programme has evolved as a platform for addressing yields, and safeguard livestock. In 2022-23, the
cost of cultivation. Addressing yield gaps of
information asymmetry for improving lives and programme addressed 2 lakh queries related to weather oceanographic information for all major landing
nine nationally significant crops, and addressing centres to over 10,000 users across the coastline.
livelihood. Through a time-tested and evolving based agro-livestock-marine, government schemes,
food security. The programme involves
phygital approach, key livelihood information across various stages of crop and livestock management During FY 2022-23, information was provided in 10
developing package of practices that are
three major themes i.e agriculture, livestock and issues. Given that more than 60% of the farmers served languages like English, Bengali, Odia, Telugu, Tamil,
tailored to agro-climatic conditions and are
marine fisheries is disseminated. Its defining feature is by Reliance Foundation Information Services keep Malayalam, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati and Hindi.
aimed at increasing yield while lowering cost
that it adopts a multi stakeholder, need-based model of production livestock, livestock camps were conducted in The targeted outcomes of the programme such as
for information collection, aggregation and partnership with the Animal Husbandry Department increasing climate resilience of communities,
• Safe and economic fishing for marine fisherfolk.
dissemination, contributing to synergy in the and veterinary universities to diagnose and treat improving household income, improving participation
development sector. RFIS acts as a bridge between two • Economic empowerment of women through animals, and provide critical veterinary services in of women in decision making at household and
efficient crop and livestock management
main audiences, i.e., the community and its knowledge remote villages. Over 87,000 animals were treated community level, increasing share of women in
partners and experts. The programme continues to In the year 2022-23, the programme worked with through livestock camps (nearly 6,80,000 animals household income and economy through capacity
evolve by scaling up its user base and increasing nearly 20 lakh farmers who are cultivating paddy, treated since inception). In addition, the farmers were building, reducing the input costs, averting losses,
penetration in the existing user base, by the use of wheat, maize, bengal gram, red gram, Black gram, also given free medicines and counselling for improving increasing productivity, better price realisation,
newer and effective technology thereby improving groundnut, mustard, soybean and cotton, across enhancing livestock productivity and promoting
livestock health.
their lives and livelihood, and empowering its target 135 districts of 16 States of India. Also, over 2 lakh micro-enterprises etc.
audience. The programme sources accurate and fisher folk across Indian coastline received critical Reliance Foundation endeavours to make fishing safer,
relevant information from 1,000+ partners and in ocean weather and potential fishing zone information. sustainable and profitable for marine fisher-folk along