Page 72 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2022-23
P. 72

70      Women Empowerment                                                                                                                                                Reliance Foundation | Annual Report 2022-23            71

        Catalysts for                                           years, this initiative will support and engage women
        transformation                                          in farm and non-farm income generating activities,

                                                                to help them achieve an annual income of at least

        Reliance Foundation is committed to improving the       Rs. 1 lakh as envisioned by GOI’s Ministry of

        lives of women and girls through its cross-cutting      Rural Development.
        women empowerment initiatives across programmes         Reliance Foundation also launched two

        including Rural Transformation, Education, Health       flagships projects - WomenLead India
        and Sports for Development.                             Fellowship and WomenConnect Challenge
                                                                India programme.
        Through Rural Transformation initiatives on skilling,

        livelihood and advisories, 5,60,000 women (including    Women
        farmers, fisherwomen and SHG members) were              Entrepreneurship:
        impacted. In addition, to achieve nutritional security   Leading with vision

        in rural households, Reliance Foundation helped         and strength
        communities set up Reliance Nutrition Gardens

        (RNGs). Out of the total functionaries who were         In 2023, Reliance Foundation and Bill & Melinda
        capacitated to replicate RNGs and diversify food        Gates Foundation launched an initiative to empower
        basket among village communities, 84% were women.       one million women entrepreneurs in several states in

        •    While making healthcare services accessible,       India, by strengthening women collectives, testing
             primary and preventive healthcare services were    and scaling innovations and establishing replicable

             provided to 70,000 women and girls and over        models of entrepreneurship with women-led
             34,000 screened for anemia. Furthermore,           enterprises. This initiative has been developed with
             over  2,10,000 women were provided health          and will be delivered through partnerships with the

             consultations through Sir H. N. Reliance           State Rural Livelihood Missions, as well as with the
                                                                support of several implementation partners. Over the
             Foundation Hospital.
                                                                next three years, this initiative will support and engage
        •    More than 7,000 girls were provided education      women in farm and non-farm income generating
             opportunity via 14 Reliance Foundation schools.    activities, to help them achieve an annual income of

        In 2023, Reliance Foundation and Bill & Melinda         at least Rs. 1 lakh as envisioned by GOI’s Ministry of

        Gates Foundation launched an initiative to empower      Rural Development.
        one million women entrepreneurs in several states in
        India, by strengthening women collectives, testing and

        scaling innovations and establishing replicable models
        of entrepreneurship with women-led enterprises.

        This initiative has been developed with and will be
        delivered through partnerships with the State Rural
        Livelihood Missions, as well as with the support of

        several implementation partners.  Over the next three
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