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58      Education                                                                                                                                                        Reliance Foundation | Annual Report 2022-23            59


            and equipping

            india’s youth

            and future

            global leaders

        Supporting Higher                                       For the academic year 2022-2023, the Reliance                  impact on their lives and career trajectories. Reliance   different engagement sessions organised. These sessions

        Education Through                                       Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships will support             Foundation Scholarships will nurture and support        have Q&A sessions so it is good to know others’
        Scholarships                                            up to 5,000 meritorious undergraduate students per             these bright students with a holistic development       thoughts too”.

                                                                year in any stream on a merit-cum-means basis,                 programme, including expert interactions, industry
                                                                empowering them to continue their studies without              exposure and volunteering opportunities creating a
        Reliance has been providing scholarships to
                                                                financial burden. The Scholarships aim to enable               cohort of excellence, every year.
        meritorious students for over 25 years, inspired by
                                                                students to become successful professionals and realize
        Reliance Founder-Chairman Shri Dhirubhai Ambani’s
                                                                their dreams, unlocking their potential to lift themselves     Scholar Story
        belief that the best way to ensure the nation’s progress
                                                                and their communities up, thereby contributing
        is to invest in its youth. Over the years, Reliance                                                                    Rohit Taparia, one of the Reliance Foundation Scholar
                                                                towards India’s future socio-economic development.
        Foundation scholarship initiatives have impacted the                                                                   is now pursuing third-year, B.Tech (IT) at National
        lives of almost 12,700 youth across India.              The Reliance Foundation Postgraduate Scholarships              Institute of Technology, Karnataka. He says “They
                                                                aim to enable and propel up to 100 of India’s most             want to select future leaders in India’s tech growth.
        In June 2022, Reliance Foundation selected 100
                                                                talented postgraduate students who can think big,              If I am getting the Reliance Foundation Scholarship,
        scholars from some of India’s top educational           think green, think digital for the benefit of society,         I want to justify it”. Rohit shares that when he first got
        institutions to join a pioneering programme that aims   creating a cohort of excellence every year. This               the email of receiving the scholarships, he ran to tell
        to nurture leaders of tomorrow in the fields of frontier   merit-based scholarship aims to identify and nurture        his mother and then to the temple and thanked God!

        sciences and engineering that are playing a key role in   leaders of tomorrow and will be awarded following a          He says, “This Scholarship boosted my confidence”.
        shaping India’s future for social good.                 rigorous selection process, including interviews with          For students like Rohit, the Reliance Foundation

        In December 2022, on the 90th birth anniversary of      leading experts.                                               Scholarships have opened up avenues that enable

        Shri Dhirubhai Ambani, Reliance Foundation once         In addition to the scholarships grant, the Reliance            them to explore the field a bit more, “Reliance
        again extended its support to India’s youth with a      Foundation Scholarships will provide scholars an               Foundation Scholarships already covers my fees and
        commitment to support an additional 50,000 students     opportunity to be part of a vibrant alumni network and         expenses and this has relieved a huge financial

        with scholarships over the next 10 years.               an enabling support system that will create long-term          burden”. He adds, “I have also been attending the
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