Page 42 - Reliance Foundation Annual Report 2022-23
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40 Health Reliance Foundation | Annual Report 2022-23 41
• National Deworming Day activity was • On the occasion of 90th birth anniversary of
conducted at Reliance Foundation schools Shri. Dhirubhai Ambani, an eye screening
on April 25, 2022 and 26 September 2022, camp and free cataract surgeries for the
with the assistance of the government Kuhire and Varvathane villagers, a total of
programme. More than 1,500 boys and girls 118 villagers benefitted from the eye
in the age group of 1 to 19 years were screening camp 41 detected Cataract and
administered deworming. . out of those 41 patients 30 undergone
• Reliance Foundation in partnership with the successful cataract surgeries. Free cataract
Integrated Child Development Scheme surgeries were performed by a team of
department organized the Zero Mission experienced ophthalmologists, using
programme at the Primary Health Centre, state-of-the-art equipment and techniques.
Nagothane, to eradicate malnutrition and
Apart from this, Reliance Foundation
provide a healthy life to malnourished
supported Akshaya Chaitanya to provide
children. The scheme has enrolled 125
25.56 Lakh meals as part of the Swasthya
children in the area; health supplements to Aahara and Bal Shikshak Ahara programme
boost immunity are given to these children. with an aim to fight hunger for the vulnerable
• Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022 was observed in Mumbai for relatives of patients in Mumbai
in around 22 villages. This year Matka (mud government hospitals as well as for school-
pot) incinerator, a unique, hygienic and going children.
cost-effective pad disposing method was Apart from this, Nutritious meals were provided
introduced to women in around 16 villages. to underprivileged under project Anant Arham
Close to 300 women from these villages Aahar. As an extension, Arham Yuva Sewa
participated in the demonstration of their Group conducted meal programmes in hospitals
respective village. and schools this year. Beneficiaries include slum
• Chlorovet distribution: More than 2,400 kids, street side beggars, homeless workers,
Chlorovet disinfectant bottles were provided construction workers, specially-able senior
to over 1,200 households across eight citizens and others in need.
Grampanchayats in the Nagothane region in Reliance Foundation provided ambulance
the beginning of the monsoon season. The support to Mizoram Football Association and
water disinfectant was also provided to 18 enabled the players and staff to maintain proper
primary schools and two secondary schools. health and safety protocols. This has helped the
The aim of this initiative is to provide clean association to work for the development of
drinking water to the tribal communities in football in the state without worrying to pay for
the Nagothane region. the ambulance charges.